Tuesday, February 16, 2016

"Doodletopia: Cartoons" Book Review

Wait, let me read that again - 2 book reviews in one month?! How is that even possible???? (I have an ulterior motive, but motivation is good, right? ;) )

About a week ago, I got this book (Doodletopia: Cartoons) in the mail.

Let me just tell you, Christopher Hart is a genius! Can I say how much I enjoy this book???!!! (And I just found out he has more books....Amazon, here I come!)

First of all, Doodletopia: Cartoons is designed to help people enjoy drawing, and believe me, I've really enjoyed this book. It's different than a lot of other drawing books in that it doesn't just give examples of how to draw the character. Doodletopia has cartoons that are halfway done for you and you can finish them. Here's one I did of a panda:

Actually, I traced the half that was done in the book because I can't bear (no pun intented) to write in the book yet!!! (the left side was traced, the right side wasn't)

Another thing I liked about this book was that Christopher Hart doesn't limit you to just animals or people. In the last few pages of the book, there's a whole section titled "Draw Ridiculous Inventions" and it has inventions that you get to draw and add to. Another section is called "Write in Cartoon Calligraphy" and has all sorts of different fonts to try. I haven't gotten brave enough to do either of those yet, but we're going on a trip soon and I'm definitely taking this book along.

Here are a couple  of my drawings from the book: 

Okay, now for the ratings. Drumroll, please!!!!

Would I recommend this book to a friend?: ABSOLUTELY YES! This is a book that's great for all ages and it's not intimidating because you aren't staring at a blank page - you get to finish a drawing or add to a drawing, not start from scratch and pull your hair out trying to make your drawing look like the one in the book.

What would I rate this book? 5 stars, hands down! Like I said, it makes drawing super easy and fun, and for those of you who don't like to draw, this book will change your mind.

I received this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review.

If you want to get one of these great cartoon books for yourself, click here for more info. 

Thanks so much for reading! Be sure to follow through email or G+ and comment below with your favorite drawing included in this post!

Now go change the world!!


P.S. Here's a bonus drawing that I did in art class a few weeks ago! 

Want to see more drawings? Let me know in the comments below!!!