Wednesday, April 19, 2017

"No Fear" Book Review

Yes, yes, I know for the 1 person who actually reads this, it's been forever. I'm horrible at blogging - I like the idea of blogging but the actual "doing it" part is a whole different story. Anyway, I'm back....with another book review:

NO FEAR: Real Stories of a Courageous 
New Generation Standing for Truth
by Tony Perkins 

This book caught my eye for several reasons. First, I really want to be able to stand for truth when the time comes and the description "Real Stories of a Courageous New Generation Standing for Truth" sounded very exciting. Second, Franklin Graham endorses it. Founder of Operation Christmas Child.... need I say more? :)

 Well, I got the book a while ago and read it. Honestly, I felt like I was reading another "Do Hard Things" - No Fear contains 12 stories of modern day young people who have taken a stand for what they believe. Not only does it contain the modern day stories, but it also goes back to the Bible and relates stories or verses and applies it to our lives. 

While it was interesting to read these stories, I've heard of many others who have taken a stand for their faith. The stories in No Fear includes stories of people who have been in the spotlight, people such as the Benham Brothers (EEK! Super excited about that one!!! #nationalbiblebee), Moriah Peters, Mariam Ibraheem, and Melissa and Aaron Klein, and also people who I hadn’t heard of before, such as Angela Hildenbrand and Ryan Bomberger. These stories are inspiring and there are many more that no one has heard of.

The downside of all these stories is that it can make some of us “normal” people feel inadequate. What if we aren’t on national TV because we developed a cure for cancer or invented a new type of technology? Are we to feel less important because we aren’t doing these things? I remember having these questions and trying to come up with “BIG” things to do for God. But I was overlooking the small things God was dropping in my life right then (and now). Sometimes, the small things in life are way better than any big things you “could be doing.” Changing a baby’s diaper, reading to a little brother, and talking heart-to-heart with your sister are ways to impact the people God has put into your life without you even taking a step out the door.

As with many things, there’s a balance. If there weren’t people doing BIG things for God, where would we be? But we can’t forget that being faithful in the little things are just as important. And who knows? Maybe those small things will lead to BIGGER things because “he who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much…” (Luke 16:10).


Would I recommend this book to a friend? Maybe. There are so many books out there like this and I feel that No Fear  didn't go as deep as other books (such as Do Hard Things) did. But it was still good. :)

What would I rate this book? 4.5 stars.

Now go change the world!

*I received this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest book review.

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