Sunday, September 4, 2016

Doodletopia: Manga Book Review

So, you may remember my last art-book review on Christopher Hart's first Doodletopia book here. Well, I loved that one so much that I was soooooooooooooooooo excited when the next book in the series came out. And that's the book review I'm doing today. :) *drumroll please*

Doodletopia: Manga by Christopher Hart

This book is so fun and I'm still using it. I really, really love copying the drawings in the book and following the guidelines. I haven't even gotten through the whole thing because I got so distracted with the international chibis. Agh, they were tooooooooo cute! (sorry about the bad quality, but you get the idea)

There are all different types of manga characters that Hart teaches you to draw. There are some just plain figures, fun drawings to finish, and the silly mazes to finish. It reminds me a lot of his cartoon book and the layout is very similar, only in manga form. There are several pages that have vampires or less than desirable drawings that I do not appreciate, but the rest of the book is great fun!

Like the Doodletopia: Cartoon book, the manga book has a "Master the Manga Mazes". This is a section that has half of a manga maze that you have to finish. The variety of Hart's ideas in his Doodletopia books is really nice because you learn a lot of different ways to draw styles. 


 Would I recommend this book to a friend? Probably. The only thing that I have hesitation about is the vampire pictures that are in the book. There are only a few pages but I don't really appreciate them being in that book.

What would I rate this book? 4.5 stars. The only reason is the same reason I stated above. Other than that, I really like this book!!! :)

I received this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for an honest review. 

If you want to get one of these fun manga books for yourself, click here for more info.

Thanks so much for reading! Be sure to follow through email or G+ and comment below with your favorite drawing included in this post!

Now go change the world!!


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